Go from dreaming of a better life to living a better life.

I know what it's like to be dead broke and scared, not knowing if you will have enough money for your child's next meal. I've been a single mom and a high school dropout. I have seen my fair share of hardships and heartaches. But I'm not one to dwell on the past, and what matters here is what I became, I'm a published author, and entrepreneur. 

I completely turned my life around, and so can you. I've never cared for the saying "living your best life," I am living my only life, a life that I created, one that I worked hard for. When my life felt like it was down the drain, I prevailed.

Everyone's definition of success will vary, and that's ok! For me, my feelings of accomplishment comes more from my journeys as opposed to the end results. 

I'd love to share a bit more about myself and my past experiences that helped mold me into the woman I am today. I have overcome major roadblocks in my life.

I'm a Miami, FL native, and I grew up in one of the oldest neighborhoods in South Florida called Overtown. Let me tell you; this place was intense. I didn't grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, I wasn't privy to basic necessities, and I've had to sacrifice and claw for everything.

During my senior year of high school, my mother fell ill. I quickly turned from a happy go lucky 17-year-old to feeling like I was responsible for the woman who was supposed to be responsible for me.

My mom had severe diabetes, which resulted in her having both legs amputated. I was a straight-A student, but I cared more about my mom. I made the heart-wrenching decision to leave high school and become my mom's full-time caregiver. I became a teen mom during this time and gave birth to my incredible child. Little did I know at 17 that becoming a mother would have saved my life. I was not about to be another statistic. 

I knew I had it in me to be more than a single mom and a high school dropout. I went to night school and received my high school diploma when I was 18.

After a decade of mentoring small business owners to keep going regardless of the fear of failure, in 2020, I decided to release and publish my first entrepreneur self-help book called "Don't Give Up" and coming in mid-September 2024, I will be publishing another entrepreneur self-help book called "Who Said It Would Be Easy."

I am quite a busy bee!

I am the owner of "BeeMobile Notary & Document Specialist" since 2000, and “The Crystal Couture Collection.”

So, blinging is something that helps me escape the things around the world that I cannot change!

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